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Researchers have revealed how six different types of love activate various parts of the brain

New doctoral thesis proposes Buckminster Fuller was a 'charlatan'

Why won’t some people use a smartphone

Keeping your data from Apple is harder than expected

Virtual meetings tire people because we’re doing them wrong

Research group detects a quantum entanglement wave for the first time

U Aalto wireless charging: distance 5 times antenna size and 80% efficiency

Turing Machines Are Recurrent Neural Networks (1996)

ADHD symptoms can be detected by tracking natural eye movements of players using a virtual reality game

Perpetual motion is possible – Scientists at Aalto University’s Low Temperature Lab observed the interaction of two time-crystals that bend the laws of physics

Regression and Other Stories

5G is for sensing, not communication

The human ear detects half a millisecond delay in sound

Bio-based coating for wood outperforms traditional synthetic options

A technique that enables people to hear ultrasonic sources above 20kHz

Physicists have found a way to evade the uncertainty principle in quantum physics

Battery parts can be recycled without crushing or melting

Study shows if 80% of new residential buildings in Europe were made of wood, and wood were used in structures, cladding, surfaces, and furnishings, all together the buildings would store 55 million tons of CO2 a year

Black silicon photodetector breaks the 100% efficiency limit at Aalto University

Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd ed [pdf] by Andrew Gelman et al.

Programming Parallel Computers

New material could help clean energy revolution: Researchers developed a promising graphene–carbon nanotube catalyst, giving them better control over hugely important chemical reactions for producing hydrogen fuel

A combination of wood fibres and spider silk could rival plastic

Neuroscientists link mammalian behavior to its underlying neural code at the unprecedented resolution of individual nerve impulses for the first time

Materials researchers copy "Pavlov's Dog" experiment in memory materials

Breaking Deniability in Signal with SGX

Holistic thinkers’ brains have similar responses to drama, while analytical thinkers differ widely, finds a new MRI study of people watching the same clip from a dramatic film.

Aalto Interface Metrics service

News: Password managers vulnerable to insider hacking

2.7 billion tweets confirm: echo chambers in Twitter are very real

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