
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Open-Source Ada: From Gateware to Application

A new math library for Ada - NeoSIMD

Nvidia Security Team: “What if we just stopped using C?” (2022)

Ada Gems (2014)

CuBit: A Gen­er­al-Pur­pose Oper­at­ing Sys­tem in SPARK/ Ada (2020)

Ada crate of the year 2024 announced

Ada for the C++ or Java Developer – Concurrency

Ada binding for Raylib

Ada Programming like it's 1985

Announcing Updates to learn.adacore.com

AdaCore Enhances GCC Security with Innovative Features

AdaCore Announces Gnat Pro for Rust

RecordFlux: Addressing binary protocol parser vulnerabilities

Introduction to VSS Library

A Comparison of SPARK with MISRA C and Frama-C

New Ada Course: Introduction To Embedded Systems Programming

Introduction to Embedded Systems Programming (Ada)

Nvidia Security Team: “What if we just stopped using C?”

Adding Ada to Rust - How to use Ada with Cargo

Introduction to Ada (PDF)

I can’t believe that I can prove that it can sort

A New Era For Ada/SPARK Open Source Community

What's New in Ada 2022

Announcing updates to Learn Ada website

Quite Proved Image Format

Proving the Correctness of Gnat Light Runtime – The AdaCore Blog

AdaCore and Ferrous Systems Joining Forces to Support Rust

Ada/SPARK Crate of the Year 2021 Winners

Proving properties of constant-time crypto code in SPARKNaCl (Ada) (2020)

Ada on any ARM Cortex-M device, in just a couple minutes

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