Building a GStreamer plugin in Rust with meson instead of cargo

Porting EBU R128 audio loudness analysis from C to Rust

Porting EBU R128 audio loudness analysis from C to Rust – Porting Details

Live loudness normalization in GStreamer & experiences with porting a C audio filter to Rust

Update on gstreamer bindings and plugins

The GTK Rust bindings are not ready yet? Yes they are!

MPSC Channel API for painless usage of threads with GTK in Rust

GStreamer Rust bindings 0.12 and GStreamer Plugin 0.3 release

GLib/GIO async operations and Rust futures + async/await

Improving GStreamer performance on a high number of network streams by sharing threads between elements with Rust’s tokio crate

GStreamer Rust bindings 0.11 / plugin writing infrastructure 0.2 release

How to write GStreamer Elements in Rust Part 2: A raw audio sine wave source

Speeding up RGB to grayscale conversion in Rust by a factor of 2.2 – and various other multimedia related processing loops

How to write GStreamer Elements in Rust Part 1: A Video Filter for converting RGB to grayscale

GStreamer Rust bindings release 0.10.0 & gst-plugin release 0.1.0

A GStreamer Plugin like the Rec Button on your Tape Recorder – A Multi-Threaded Plugin written in Rust

GStreamer Rust bindings release 0.9

Rendering HTML5 video in Servo with GStreamer

Exporting a GObject C API from Rust code and using it from C, Python, JavaScript and others

GStreamer Rust bindings release 0.8.0

Writing GStreamer Applications in Rust

Writing GStreamer Elements in Rust (Part 4): Logging, COWs and Plugins

Writing GStreamer Elements in Rust (Part 3): Parsing data from untrusted sources like it’s 2016

Writing GStreamer Elements in Rust (Part 2)

Writing GStreamer plugins and elements in Rust