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Around 58 million people suffer from chronic inflammation caused by the hepatitis C virus, and 300,000 people die from the disease every year

Researchers have discovered that cocaine inhibits the brain's ability to regulate and remove dopamine, causing everything to seem great

A Nordic study reveals that women infected with covid-19 during pregnancy had increased risk of stillbirth

Link between seasons and eating habits: even in non-seasonal animals (such as mice or humans), differences in light hours between summer and winter cause differences in energy metabolism

Some people live longer than others -- possibly due to a unique combination of bacteria in their intestines

Anorexia seems to be directly affected by the intestinal ecosystem with trillions of bacteria and viruses

A artificially produced enzyme has proven useful for treating staphylococcus infections in people with skin lymphoma

Grey hair and wrinkles at an early age led researchers to a potential treatment for the rare and complex type of cancer sarcoma.

Depression can lead to memory dysfunction. This study may pave way for new drugs

A previously unknown cell mechanism could pave the way to counter cancer and aging

New study shows that cells use checkpoints in cell divison

Researchers reject 30-year-old paradigm. Researchers do not believe trees are as good at removing CO2 from the atmosphere as previously believed

New study maps the development of the 20 most common psychiatric disorders

Mars was covered by 300 metre deep oceans. When Mars was a young planet, it was bombarded by ice asteroids containing vital molecules

Dairy cows and other dairy cattle are likely to experience worse welfare than their counterparts in beef herds, raised solely for meat

It’s never too late! Heavy weight training can help protect your body’s functional ability by strengthening the connection between motor neurons and the muscles

New research shows that the stress transmitter noradrenaline causes you to “neurologically wake up more than 100 times a night, but the moment is so brief that the sleeper will not notice”, so it’s perfectly normal and may even indicate that you have slept well

Men with obesity can double their sperm count if they lose weight and maintain the weight loss.

Bacteria can get sick from viruses, just like us

Researchers find an alternative to addictive painkillers like morphine in poisonous sea snails

Scientists take quantum leap in regenerative medicine

Your pet could protect your child against allergy, new study suggests. The researchers looked at data from more than 77,000 European children.

Parkinson's Disease patients could walk properly again with brainstem Deep Brain Stimulation treatment, says scientists behind new study

Men are more prone to develop inflammation than their female peers after going through breakups or living alone for extended periods, study shows

Ancient Aboriginal bush medicine could improve modern day cancer treatment, study shows

Ancient Siberian societies that were thought to be isolated traded their dogs with outside populations, study finds

It has been a mystery why some people live a perfectly normal life until experiencing a potentially deadly cardiac episode

Cancer cells eat themselves to survive

Brazilian COVID-19 variant likely to be able to evade immunity and be more transmissible

Medical cannabis can reduce essential tremor by turning on overlooked cells in the central nervous system

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