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Toolbox languages

Software Friction

Composing TLA+ Specifications with State Machines

Software Friction

The Tale of Daniel

Don't let Alloy facts make your specs a fiction

The hunt for the missing data type

Planner programming blows my mind

An RNG that runs in your brain

The World and the Machine

Decision Table Patterns (2020)

A better explanation of the Liskov Substitution Principle

Is Software Engineering Real Engineering?

Weird things you can buy online

Learn AutoHotKey by stealing my scripts

My Problem with the Four-Document Model

There's always more history (2020)

Somehow AutoHotKey is kinda good now

Breaking the limits of TLA+ model checking

A Neovim Task Runner in 30 lines of Lua

NP-complete isn't always hard

Sources of Complexity: Constraints

Most(LY Dead) Influential Programming Languages (2020)

Let's Prove Leftpad

Software Mimicry

Notes on Every Strangeloop 2022 Talk I Attended

Safety and Liveness Properties

Software Mimicry

Crimes with Python's Pattern Matching

Announcing: Learn TLA+

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