Zine: A Static Site Generator Written in Zig

The First HTML LSP That Reports Syntax Errors

Improving your Zig language server experience

Playing the Open Source Game (2021)

A Note About Zig Books for the Zig Community

Interfacing with Zig, a BDFL-run Project

Zig's multi-sequence for loops

Why Go and Not Rust? (2019)

Zig Is Self-Hosted Now, What's Next?

A Conference About Software You Can Love

Interfacing with Zig, a BDFL-run project

Maintain It with Zig

Playing the Open Source Game

The First Zig Website Redesign

You Should Play Secret Hitler

Zig's New Relationship with LLVM

What is Zig's Comptime?

Addio Redis, I'm leaving Redis Labs

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Standup

The Upcoming Future of Online Meetups

What Is Zig's “Colorblind” Async/Await?

So you're a Remote Worker Now

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Standup

Why Go and Not Rust?

What Is Zig's Comptime?