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Physics is unreasonably good at creating new math

Einstein's Other Theory of Everything

In the beginning, there was computation

Crows are even smarter than we thought

Confessions of a Theoretical Physicist

Out of Your Head

"Frost crack" sounds may come from sky, not trees

The Elegant Math of Machine Learning

What Happened to Ancient Megafauna?

Electric Clouds This Summer

The Art of Quantum Forces

The Perpetual Quest for a Truth Machine

The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt?

The oldest ecosystems on Earth

Edmond Albius's method of pollination is now used by all vanilla growers

We Are Made of Waves

Magic died when art and science split

Sound rules life underwater

An accident of lighting uncovers origins of the astrolabe

Insects and other animals have consciousness

I never stopped learning from Daniel Dennett

The Feminist Botanist

What a Bronze Age Skeleton Reveals About Cavities

The Shark Whisperer

The Bad Trip Detective

The Psychology of Getting High–A Lot

Guy Callendar, the engineer who discovered human-caused global warming

The Marvelous Seamounts of the Southeast Pacific

The End of the Dark Universe?

The first observation of humpback whale copulation

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