Zig's Memcpy, CopyForwards and CopyBackwards

Basic MetaProgramming in Zig

Leveraging Zig's Allocators

Writing a task scheduler in Zig

Zig's HashMap

Website search hurts my feelings

Zig's std.json.Parsed(T)

Delaying Deploys: The Fast Path to Burnout

Zig Interfaces

Learning Zig

Zig dangling pointers and segfaults

SIMD with Zig

Regular Expressions in Zig

Zig Quirks

Writing JSON to a custom output in Zig

Writing a Custom SQLite Function (in C) - Part 1

ASCII String to Lowercase in Go

String to Integer (atoi) in Go

Building a Cache in Elixir

Queue Despair: Ordering and Poison Messages

Migrating to CockroachDB

Tests are about design

Interfaces In Nim

The Little Go Book is a free introduction to Google's Go programming language

An Introduction to OpenResty

Basic Micro-Optimizations

Client-Side vs. Server-Side Rendering

How Unreliable Is UDP?