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Instead of nurturing their sick young, ant queens eat their infected offspring at the first sign of illness then ‘recycle’ them into producing new eggs

Robust memory of a previous event shown to prevent new flexible memories from being formed, this due to a newly discovered (in mice) neuronal mechanism in the hippocampus

Serotonin not the "happy chemical", but the "not-so-bad chemical" - New Research

Long-term cognitive and psychiatric effects of COVID-19 revealed

Solar energy breakthrough could reduce need for solar farms

New Lancet review reveals Long COVID affects 1 in 50 in UK, persists for years, and highlights urgent need for research into treatments.

Viagra improves brain blood flow and could help to prevent dementia

People with poor metabolic health are more likely to have memory and thinking problems and worse brain health

Rhodes Must Fall: The Legacy of Cecil Rhodes in the University of Oxford

First use of weather forecasts to show human impact on extreme weather is ‘transformational’

Internet use associated with higher wellbeing, finds new global Oxford study

First proof that "plunging regions" exist around black holes in space

Scientists have developed a new heart disease calculator (QR4) that functions as a tool allowing doctors to use an individual’s health data to estimate their likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years…

More social birds are more adventurous feeders, study finds

Risk factors for faster aging in the brain -that leads to dementia- revealed in new study: diabetes, traffic-related air pollution and alcohol intake are the most harmful out of 15 modifiable risk factors

AI-generated food images look tastier than real ones

Prostate cancer includes two different evotypes

New study links hospital privatisation to worse patient care

A new study used the fossil record to better understand what factors make animals more vulnerable to extinction from climate change

Eradicating animals on the basis that they are not native in order to protect plant species, can be a flawed practice costing millions of dollars, and resulting in the slaughter of millions of healthy wild animals.

Kan Extensions for Program Optimisation (2012)

The way the brain learns is different from the way that artificial intelligence system

Neptune is known for being a rich blue and Uranus green – but a new study has revealed that the two ice giants are actually far closer in colour than typically thought

Study finds that vast amounts of waste are caused by single-use e-cigarette batteries

In many Western European and East Asian countries, 15-20% of individuals born around 1970 are now childless

Researchers develop a blood test to identify individuals at risk of developing Parkinson’s disease

The persistence of tradition: the curious case of Henry Symeonis

AI that automatically detects methane plumes from space could be a powerful tool in combating climate change

No evidence screen time is negative for child cognitive development, well-being

Screen time does not affect child development

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