Blind man, 'born to run,' completes solo 5K with trial app to guide him

Amazon deploys thermal cameras at warehouses to scan for fevers faster

Europe wants G20 to make taxing digital giants top priority this year

U.S. agency responsible for Trump's secure communication suffered data breach: letter

Exclusive: Iran-linked hackers pose as journalists in email scam

U.S. judge orders temporary halt to Microsoft's work on Pentagon's JEDI contract

Software Link Suspected in Airbus Engine Blowouts

SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy rocket with 24 satellites

Amazon gets U.S. patent to use delivery drones for surveillance service

Tesla says it will roll out Uber-style ride services program

Asymmetric molecule, key to life, detected in space for first time

Daimler CEO says digital mapping consortium in expansion talks

Eating fish may benefit older adults at risk for dementia - "Fish Consumption, Brain Mercury, and Neuropathology in Patients With Alzheimer Disease and Dementia"

Computer science now top major for women at Stanford University

Obama says U.S. needs to aggressively bolster defenses against hackers

New antibiotic found which can be a great tool to fight MRSA and other infections