
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

XZ backdoor story – Initial analysis

Android malware, Android malware and more Android malware

Network Tunneling with QEMU

Operation Triangulation: What you get when attack iPhones of researchers

How to catch a wild triangle

Free Download Manager backdoored – a possible supply chain attack on Linux

Operation Triangulation: iOS devices targeted with previously unknown malware

CosmicStrand: The discovery of a sophisticated UEFI firmware rootkit

MoonBounce: The dark side of UEFI firmware

FinSpy: unseen findings

RansomEXX Trojan attacks Linux systems

Hiding in plain sight: PhantomLance walks into a market

Kaspersky: Windows 0-day exploit CVE-2019-1458 used in Operation WizardOpium

Spam and Phishing in Q3 2019

'Platinum' Hacking Group Strikes Again With Complex Titanium Backdoor To Windows

0-day Chrome exploit in the wild

COMpfun successor Reductor infects files on the fly to compromise TLS traffic

NSA DarkPulsar implant

Telegram Remote Code Execution Zero-Day Vulnerability

How to break a smart home, again

When fourth-party collection becomes attribution hell

Introducing WhiteBear

The first cryptor to exploit Telegram

Windows zero-day exploit used in targeted attacks by FruityArmor APT

Cybercrime meets ransomware

Sophisticated OS X Backdoor Discovered (Audio and Video Captures)

Rare implementation of RC5/RC6 in ShadowBrokers dump connects them to Equation

ProjectSauron: top level cyber-espionage platform covertly extracts encrypted government comms

xDedic – the shady world of hacked servers for sale

Lurk Banker Trojan: Exclusively for Russia

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