
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Do You Need Redis? PostgreSQL Does Queuing, Locking, & Pub/Sub

Don't Let Perfectionism Stall Your Software Development Project

Nobody Cares About Your Git History

Are You an "Asker" or a "Guesser" at Work?

Build a Lightweight Code Generator with TypeScript and JSON Imports

Prisma vs. TypeORM – Which Is Right for You?

JavaScript’s Backtick Strings are Likely the Wrong Tool for Your Job

Working with Docker containers with the dexec bash script

Building a Better Book Club: A Strategy for Efficiently Ingesting Nonfiction

I Added GitHub Copilot to My Toolbelt

Why I Prefer Makefiles over Package.json Scripts

Why You Should Defer Side Effects Until the Last Possible Step

Do You Really Need Redis? How to Get Away with Just PostgreSQL

Why I Prefer Makefiles Over package.json Scripts for Node.js Projects

Names and Identities Change – You Should Design for That

I Don't Use Classes

Questions to Ask at the Start of a New Software Project

Getting Work Done – What a Year at a Mechanic Shop Taught Me About Process

Refusing to Be the Victim: How to Adopt a “Player” Mindset at Work

There's a Relational Database in Your Unix CLI

“You're Worthwhile, Even When You Make Mistakes”

Unit and Integration Testing In Elixir with Multiple Environments

Important Software Dev Skills Aren't Technical

What I Learned from Working 32 Hours a Week

A Simple Way to Quickly Animate SVGs with Vivus.js

Pattern Matching Without Regex – Introducing the Rosie Pattern Language

Fixing the External Monitor Color Problem with Your 2018 MacBook Pro

Solving Office Bathroom Contention with MQTT & Software

Behind the Scenes with Chicken Scheme

(Clojure) Spec-ing Data from JSON

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