
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

A common urban intersection in the Netherlands (2018)

Install FreeBSD with One Command

Scan on FreeBSD

Why is Apple Rosetta 2 fast? (2022)

Algol-68 seemed like a good idea

Visualizing World War II

Cheaper to rent in Barcelona and commute to London

Squeezed through the eighth dimensional portal (2008)

Lush: My favorite small programming language

Powering the Mars Base

ASCII Delimited Text – Not CSV or Tab Delimited Text

What if they are all wrong? (2020)

BC7 optimal solid-color blocks

Introducing Python Dateonly Package: A Modular Alternative for Faster Date Operations Compared to datetime.

Why Pascal Deserves a Second Look

How to make Product give a shit about your architecture proposal

Operate Android Device on FreeBSD

The C23 edition of Modern C

Inserting a 0 bit in the middle of a value

Zero or sign extend

What P vs. NP is about

We Can Terraform the American West

The web I want vs. the one we have

Inspecting North Korea's Digital Map App: Licensing and API Insights

Neural Networks (MNIST inference) on the "3-cent" Microcontroller

When are two proofs essentially the same? (2007)

Industrious Dice

Why those particular integer multiplies?

Starship is Still Not Understood (2021)

The Laurel Wreath

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