
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Tiny Great Languages: Forth/Mouse

The Story Behind Fenster

AI or Ain't: Eliza

Poor Man's Web

Post-apocalyptic programming

Minimal Cross-Platform Graphics

Let's write a tiny chess engine in Go

How do One-Time passwords work?

Zig, the Small Language

Post-Apocalyptic Programming

How do One-Time passwords work?

Learn a language by writing too many Forths

Partcl – A Tiny Command Language

How do One-Time passwords work?

Partcl - a tiny command language

Scalable, Resilient Brainfuck as a service

A “Better C” Benchmark

How to write a toy JVM

World Smallest Office Suite

How to create minimal music with code in any programming language

Nokia Composer in 512 bytes

Java agent - Bond or Smith?

How to write a toy JVM

KVM host in a few lines of code

Linux containers in a few lines of code

Ode to J

Tmux for Mere Mortals

Let's make a tiny chess engine in Go

Let's make the worst React ever!

Implementing metrics in Go

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