Counterexamples in Safe Rust

Join TYNET 2.0: Empowering Women in Tech through a 24-Hour International Hackathon!

What is theoretical computer science?

Room-Temperature Superconductivity Heats Up

Creating Accessible Figures and Tables

Eliza in SNOBOL4

The Ultimate Conditional Syntax

Nulls: Revisiting null representation in modern columnar formats

Supporting Task Switching with Reinforcement Learning

Bridging Search and Recommendation in Generative Retrieval

A history of Clojure (2020)

Beyond Procedure Calls as Component Glue: Connectors Deserve Metaclass Status

50 Years of Queries

A modest proposal: C++ resyntaxed (1996)

Beyond Efficiency (2013)

You Don’t Know Jack about Bandwidth

Accelerate RISC-V Instruction Set Simulation by Tiered JIT Compilation

(2010) Code Bubbles - Visualising and editing code in an infinite canvas using bubbles to contain code fragments (there's a video showing how it would work)

Building Visual Malware Dataset using VirusShare Data and Comparing Machine Learning Baseline Model to CoAtNet for Malware Classification

How CrowdStrike Stopped Everything

Tracking the historical events that lead to the interweaving of knowledge (2021)

DRAMHiT: A Hash Table Architected for the Speed of DRAM (2023)

QUIC is not quick enough over fast internet

The Long Way to Deforestation: A Type Inference and Elaboration Technique for Removing Intermediate Data Structures

Do All Problems Have Technical Fixes?

On the Operational Theory of the CPS-Calculus: Towards a Theoretical Foundation for IRs

Questioning the Criteria for Evaluating Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions

A Brief History of Blockchain Interoperability

The Lisp 2 Programming Language and System (1966) [pdf]

GPTs and Hallucination

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