Optimizing GoAWK with a bytecode compiler and virtual machine

Go performance from version 1.2 to 1.18

Prig: like AWK, but uses Go for "scripting"

Don’t try to sanitize input. Escape output. (2020)

Improving the code from the official Go RESTful API tutorial

AWKGo, an Awk-to-Go Compiler

Simple Lists: a tiny to-do list app written the old-school way (server-side Go, no JS)

Structural pattern matching in Python 3.10

Mugo, a toy compiler for a subset of Go that can compile itself

Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust

How to implement a hash table (in C)

Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, Awk, Forth, Rust

The small web is beautiful

Coming in Go 1.16: ReadDir and DirEntry

Different approaches to HTTP routing in Go

An introduction to Go for non-Go developers

ZZT in Go (using a Pascal-to-Go converter)

Don’t try to sanitize input – escape output

Learning Elm by porting a medium-sized web frontend from React

Show HN: I replaced Google Analytics with simple log-based analytics

GoAWK: an AWK interpreter written in Go

Littlelang: a small dynamically-typed language I implemented in Go (and in littlelang itself!)

Learning Go by porting a medium-sized web backend from Python

Fast pentomino puzzle solver ported from Forth to Python

Compiling a subset of Python syntax to x86-64 assembly for fun and zero profit

Show HN: Pygit – Just enough git to push itself to GitHub

Side project I made using Python 3 / Flask / peewee, giving a dev perspective as well as some numbers

Contributing os.scandir() to Python