
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Don’t try to sanitize input, escape output (2020)

How to implement a hash table in C (2021)

Go performance from version 1.0 to 1.22

The One Billion Row Challenge in Go: from 1m45s to 4s in nine solutions

Learning Elm by porting a medium-sized web frontend from React (2019)

Switching from S3 to Tigris on Fly.io

Using a Markov chain to generate readable nonsense with 20 lines of Python

Names should be as short as possible while still being clear

How (not) to apply for a software job

The Awk book’s 60-line version of Make

Using the WordStar Diamond in 2023

Name before type: why 'age int' is better than 'int age'

The proposal to enhance Go's HTTP router

Show HN: Gogit – Just enough Git (in Go) to push itself to GitHub

Names should be as short as possible while still being clear

Lookup Tables: article I co-authored for “Forth Dimensions” as a teen

For Python packages, file structure != API

Designing Pythonic library APIs

The small web is beautiful

Different approaches to HTTP routing in Go

From Go on EC2 to Fly.io

I/O is no longer the bottleneck

Code coverage for your AWK programs

I/O is no longer the bottleneck

Rob Pike's simple C regex matcher in Go

The tools I use to build my website

Performance comparison: counting words in Python, C/C++, Awk, Rust, and more

Modernizing AWK, a 45-year old language, by adding CSV support

Adding CSV support to (Go)AWK

Show HN: Prig – like AWK, but uses Go for “scripting”

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