Leverage the richness of HTTP status codes

An interactive guide to color and contrast

Modern cars, touch interfaces - Highway to Hell

CSS-Only Widgets Are Inaccessible

ANSI colours aren't consistent across X terminal programs

Apple Detection of Flashing Lights

Unicode Roman Numerals and Screen Readers

Fighting inter-component HTML bloat

Please don't flashbang me

How Shadow DOM and accessibility are in conflict

Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML) (2014)

Numen: Voice Control for Handsfree Computing

Netflix wants to chop down your family tree

Twitter’s Entire A11y Experience Team Let Go

Vuestic UI 1.5.0, UI Framework for Vue 3, is out. Now with huge A11y improvements and dark theme support

The A11Y Project Checklist

[AskJS] A mini library to map position to sound that could maybe help with web accessibility (a11y)

Killing Darth Vader accessibility - Learn useful a11y concepts and how to improve js accessibility.

Testing a11y: How can I theoretically predict what my screen reader will tell me?

A dead-simple JavaScript library for toast notifications. Responsive, A11Y, dependency-free. Tiny (~3KB)

a11y: Voice highlighting technology. It's like syntax highlighting but for screen readers.

I finally finished my portfolio page! It is fast, a11y and SEO optimized. The code still needs some heavy refactoring though.

The A11y Machine is an automated accessibility testing tool which crawls and tests pages of any web application to produce detailed reports • /r/accessibility

The A11Y Project - A community-driven effort to make web accessibility easier

80 front-end job applications. Nearly no one had basic HTML/CSS/A11y skills