Nim Community Survey 2021 Results

Set up a website with Nim (2019)

Building a simple room-based chat application in Nim (using HTMX)

Nim 1.6.2

Machine to Play Game of Nim (1940)

Launching the 2021 Nim Community Survey

Zen of Nim

Metaprogramming in Nim

This Month with Nim: October 2021

Is Nim a Transpiler?

Nim 1.6

Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations

Why I Use Nim instead of Python for Data Processing

Pixie – A full-featured 2D graphics library for Nim

Genny – Generate Nim library bindings for many languages

Nimforum: Lightweight alternative to Discourse written in Nim

Optional Value Handling in Nim

Nim on the Attack: Process Injection Using Nim and the Windows API

Using Clang LibFuzzer coverage-guided fuzzing engine with Nim

Nim 2.0

Using Cosmopolitan libc with Nim

A Nim Raspberry Pi Pico project template

Patten Matching in Nim

Nim versions 1.4.4 and 1.2.10 released

C2nim: A tool to translate ANSI C code to Nim

Nim Apocrypha, Vol. I

Nim in 2020: A Short Recap

Introducing Orc (Nim's new memory managment)

Nim version 1.4.2 released

NimDBX: Fast persistent key-value store for Nim, based on libmdbx

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