Web apps have client and server state

Introducing FastAgency: the fastest way to deploy a console or web app from your AutoGen workflow

Rsbuild – the fastest web bundler – reaches v1.0

Antonymph: an audiovisual web experience that uses your browser as the medium

Tips on structuring modern python apps (e.g. a web api) that uses types, typeddict, pydantic, etc?

not quite buildless

Perplexing the Web, One Probability Puzzle at a Time

Show HN: Xnapper Studio – Web tool for creating attention-grabbing screenshots

Building a browser using Servo as a web engine

The First HTML LSP That Reports Syntax Errors

That Time Berners-Lee Got Knocked Down to a Poster Session [2015]

htmx Web Security Basics

Cloudflare Boosts Web Speeds With Predictive Site Loading

A More Modern CSS Reset (2019)

The State of ES5 on the Web

How do you actually write tests for a web app

Tiny Thumbnail Hashes with AVIF

11ty is joining Font Awesome

Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking

i-html, an inline-html import element

My first try at fullstack Rust web app with Dioxus

Show HN: Shelly – A pure and vanilla shell-like interface for the web

AI Is Triggering a Child-Sex-Abuse Crisis | Disaster is brewing on dark-web forums and in schools.

I Added SVG Maps to My Travel Posts

Build web applications with wwwpy: For backend developers looking to minimize frontend headaches

A new path for Kyber on the web for Chrome

Quick guide to web typography for developers

Best RUST web framework?

Show HN: World's most performant web table (multicore, DOM-based)

Good forms

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