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The Art of Failure Analysis 2024

Robert Dennard, DRAM Pioneer, Dies at 91

"THE SMALLER WE ARE, the better we perform." That is the siren song of quantum transistors, in which electrons skip on and off quantum dots or tunnel through barriers thought impenetrable in the world of classical physics.

Robot Jailbreak: Researchers Trick Bots into Dangerous Tasks

How IBM invented the automated fab

Touchscreens are out, and tactile controls are back

'Lollipop' Device Brings Taste To Virtual Reality

Google's Quiet Nuclear Quest for a Decade

Researchers have built server prototypes that re-use old components

Photo Robot Takes the Perfect Picture

El Capitan: New supercomputer is the fastest

Mobile 3D Printer Can Print Directly on Your Floor

Open-Source Software Is in Crisis

New hydrogen storage technology being studied

The Case Against Quantum Computing (2018)

The First Virtual Meeting Was in 1916

U.S. chip revival plan chooses sites

DeepMind debuts watermarks for AI-generated text

The unlikely inventor of the automatic rice cooker

Nuclear Fusion's New Idea: An Off-the-Shelf Stellarator

Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame

The First Transistor Radio

The Rise of Groupware: How collaboration software came to be

Advice for first-time inventors from a patent engineer

Startup Guru Steve Blank Says AI Changes Everything

19th-century photography technique employed in novel data storage method

Cloudflare's AI Audit Helps Websites Beat Bots

Simone Giertz talks about invention

Fukushima Reactor: TEPCO robot aims to extract nuclear fuel

NASA Made the Hubble Telescope to Be Remade

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