
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

This is why LoongArch is better than RISC-V

Compiler Explorer

Are pointers just integers? Some interesting experiment about aliasing, provenance, and how the compiler uses UB to make optimizations

Mildly interesting: LLVM + slice::windows = 🚀

Curious why these two functions don't produce the same assembly (misc1 and misc2)

Should this be considered a bug that the code runs at O0 but not O3?

Can Rust make this faster?

Compiler Explorer

Compiler Explorer

BBC Micro Emulator

Compiler Explorer now supports multiple file compilation and linking

Compiler Explorer - Java support

Compiler / ISA explorer: see ARM, RISCV, x86 output for different compilers

Is there something like "compiler explorer", but for Java? It would display bytecodes instead of assembly.

Why &s[pos..] is slower than s.split_at(pos).1?

Clang solves the Collatz Conjecture?

TIL that "const fn" evaluation actively pretends to be significantly less sophisticated than it actually is

I see your "Clang Collatz Conjecture", and raise you one "Clang computing the Ackermann function to 28 levels at compile time into an array it then hardcodes into the data segment, before fully unrolling a loop that displays the values"

LLVM ir line highlighting now available on Godbolt Compiler Explorer

Ada is available on Godbolt Compiler Explorer

Compiler Explorer

Godbolt Compiler Explorer gains Zig support

JSBeeb – JavaScript BBC Micro Emulator

Compiler Explorer (think CodePen for C(++)/D/Go/Rust/Swift/Haskell disassembly)

Example of gcc vector optimization BECAUSE of C aliasing

Compiler Explorer now supports side-by-side language comparison and diffing

Compiler undefined behavior: calls never-called function

GodBolt: Enter C, get Assembly

Enter Rust, get Assembly

Compiler Explorer

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