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Navy chiefs conspired to get themselves illegal warship Wi-Fi

After seeing Wi-Fi network named “STINKY,” Navy found hidden Starlink dish on US warship To be fair, it's hard to live without Wi-Fi.

Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Manpower Issues

Navy Ad: Gig Work Is a Dystopian Unregulated Hellscape, Build Submarines Instead

The U.S. Navy's $100M checkbox (2019)

German Navy blasts out Darth Vader theme on Thames

'Virtually intact' wreck believed to be Royal Navy warship torpedoed in WWI

the US Navy's warship production is in its worst state in 25 years. Why

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast: Navy SEALs' efficiency secret

German Navy still uses 8-inch floppy disks, working on emulating a replacement

German Navy seeks replacement for 8-inch floppies from frigates

German Navy To Replace Aging 8-Inch Floppy Drives With an Emulated Solution

Navy SEALs, Sailors Who Refused Covid Vaccine Will Have Records Expunged

US Navy successfully connects aircraft carrier to the cloud

Pattern of brain damage is pervasive in Navy SEALs who died by suicide

U.S. Navy Submarine First in World Fitted with Silent Caterpillar Drive

US Navy warships shot down Iranian missiles with a weapon they've never used in combat before

Navy cancels ship briefings after damning internal report

Author and former Navy SEAL David Goggins sues Amazon over bootleg books

Navy again lowers requirements as it struggles to meet recruitment goals

Revitalizing US Navy Shipbuilding

Royal Navy forced to recruit for tob job on social media

World’s fastest-swimming insects could inspire US Navy’s next drone boat

US Navy helicopters destroy Houthi boats in Red Sea after attempted hijack

The Navy Bought ‘Global’ Surveillance Data Through Adtech Company Owned by Military Contractor

US Navy says it will trial using AI to track Chinese submarines in the Pacific

Early Ford carrier maintenance costs lower than planned, Navy says

The US Navy sold 2 obsolete aircraft carriers to scrap dealers for a cent each (2021)

A Day in a US Navy Surveillance Flight in South China Seas

A Royal Navy Nuclear Sub Just Spent 6 Months Underwater. That's Irresponsible

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