
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

VSCode’s SSH agent is bananas

cargo run rust projects with vscode's debugger attached using cargo-debugger!

VSCode Marketplace Web Pages No Longer Allow Direct VSIX Downloads

State of VSCode?

VSCode + rust-analyzer tip for unsafe code

Executing one Ginkgo/Gomega Test via vscode

Switch proxy settings for VSCode, Git, and GitHub CLI with one click.

I Built otak-committer: An AI-Powered VSCode Extension for Automatic Commit Message Generation!

How to step over asyncs when debugging with OSX/VSCode/Rust-Analyzer.

VSCode Debugging spits out harmless errors

What's going on with VSCode Go Dev Tools?

Cargo clean ate my project. Vscode to the rescue

VS Code Extension to let LLMs interactively debug your code

PSA: The vscode "crates" extension is now a freemium service that collects telemetry

Rust analyzer randomly stopped working today? VSCode

WebStorm is Now Free for Non-Commercial Use—Should you ditch VSCode?

i can't get the java dependencies in vscode to work

cImport / Include and VSCode

VSCode extension for rustdocs for functions?

Have you tried Trae - ByteDance's new VSCode-based AI IDE? Early impressions?

How to update expect result with Rust-analyzer and expect_test in NeoVim or VSCode?

VsCode + Axum debug

probe-rs fails from command line, not found by VSCode extension

Is vscode good with Rust? What are your pain points with it?

vscode.yazi: Not code related, but a theme for yazi if you like vscode default colors too

Moving back to VSCode...

Why does vscode try to auto import a seemingly random uint128 package?

New vscode theme based on One Dark Pro to make it more compatible with rust. Search One Dark Pro Rust in vscode and select Winter Sementic style.

VSCode non-Pylance Configuration

VSCode extension for Go template

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