
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Wasmer 5.0

Wasmer JS SDK has just landed full support for Node.js and Bun

Show HN: Compiling C in the browser using WebAssembly

Volumes Technical Preview in Wasmer Edge

Announcing Instaboot: Instant Cold Starts for Serverless Apps thanks to WebAssembly

Running PHP fast at the edge with WebAssembly

Py2wasm – A Python to WASM Compiler

WinterJS 1.0 - Powered by SpiderMonkey and Tokio

Onyx, a new programming language powered by WebAssembly

Wasmer JavaScript SDK

WinterJS benchmarks at more than 100k reqs/second, 3x times faster than alternatives


Wasmer Edge (Beta) is now Generally Available

Wasmer – Run, Publish and Deploy any code, anywhere

Trying new cURL's IPFS features with Wasmer using WebAssembly.

Inclusion of Rust ring crate now brings cryptographic operations and TLS clients to WASIX

Wasmer 4.1

Wasmer Edge: WebAssembly on the Edge

Introducing - Wasmer Runtime 4.0

WASIX, the Superset of WASI Supporting Threads, Processes and Sockets

Wasmer 3.3 - Running WebAssembly 2.5x faster with JavascriptCore

Announcing WCGI: WebAssembly and CGI

Wasmer 3.2.0 released, with RISC-V support

My first article: WAI is the Answer !!!

Wasmer takes WebAssembly libraries mainstream with WAI

Wasmer 3.0

WebAssembly as a Universal Binary Format – Part I: Native executables

Wasmer – The Universal WebAssembly Runtime

WebAssembly on Amazon Lambda: Lessons Learned

Wasmer and Trademarks

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