Brain-on-a-chip tech powers neuroscience research – Vanderbilt University scientist engineers biomimetic model to tackle glioblastoma

Scientists Revived a Pig's Brain Nearly a Whole Hour After It Died

Intermittent weekend exercise has same brain benefits as regular workouts, study finds

Father’s Alcohol Consumption Before Conception Linked To Brain And Facial Defects In The Offspring of Mice

The brain summons deep sleep for healing from life-threatening injury

After a Decade, Scientists Unveil Fly Brain in Detail

Scientists identify dopamine-rich brain pathways that fuel cocaine-seeking behavior

The brain has its own microbiome

Magnetic field applied to both sides of brain shows rapid improvement for depression

The Brain Collector

Human brain can process certain sentences in ‘blink of an eye’, says study

How the human brain contends with the strangeness of zero

Brain changes seen in lifetime cannabis users may not be causal: Lifetime cannabis use is associated with several changes in brain structure and function in later life, study suggests

At home brain stimulation for depression found to be safe and effective

Poor sleep in your 40s could make your brain age faster, new research suggests

Tiny brain, big deal: fruit fly diagram could transform neuroscience

US Army’s Black Hawks to fly without pilots with next-gen robotic brain

A brain region associated with social interaction processing in human adults may process social scenes as early as the age of three

Do you want to measure signal from the body, muscle, brain it is open-source

Show HN: Peak Brain Plasticity book – maximize brain power

Anyone Can Learn Echolocation in Just 10 Weeks—And It Remodels Your Brain

Stucture-function relationship in brain unfolds along specific gradient - Nature Communications

In SSRI withdrawal, brain zaps go from overlooked symptom to center stage (2023)

Study results published today in the Journal of Virology are among the first to recognize how Herpes simplex virus type 1 enters the brain, leading to a better understanding of how it may trigger neurological diseases.

Mixed emotions – neuroscience is exploring how your brain lets you experience two opposite feelings at once: « Mainstream methods for measuring feelings still treat positive and negative as opposite sides of a spectrum

Study of 3.4 million individual cells suggests Alzheimer's damages brain in two distinct phases

'Visual clutter' alters information flow in the brain

Researchers discovered a crucial protein in the brain that can regulate motivation for rewards in mice

Cortisol levels in new mothers tied to parenting behavior and brain response to baby’s cry

Scientists reveal how the brain responds to six different types of love

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