A team of researchers discovered that framboidal pyrite, an iron-sulfur mineral with characteristic shapes, forms exclusively through biogenic processes

A new legacy: potential of zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry in the analysis of North American megafaunal remains

Researchers have discovered a 550-million-year-old sea sponge from the “lost years” and proposed that the earliest sea sponges had not yet developed mineral skeletons, offering new parameters to the search for the missing fossils

Palaeontologists has unearthed the fossil remains of a pterodactyloid pterosaur with an estimated wingspan of at least 3 m (10 ft), representing one of the largest known examples of a Jurassic pterosaur, and one of the first pterodactyloids to be reported from the Jurassic of the United Kingdom.

Palaeontologists have described a new species of freshwater lonchidiid hybodontiform shark based on fossilised teeth from the Upper Triassic Momonoki Formation in Yamaguchi, Japan.


Scientists have discovered the first species of ceratosaur known from the Early Cretaceous of Asia, extending the stratigraphic range of Ceratosauria by 40 million years on the continent.

Likely ancestor of all modern hoofed animals identified

A new study provides insights into the origin of avian endothermy, suggesting its evolution in theropod and ornithiscian dinosaurs starting in the Early Jurassic.

A new species and genus of Late Triassic massopodan sauropodomorph dinosaur has been identified from fossilised remains in the Mid-Zambezi Basin, Zimbabwe.

'Echidnapus': Australian scientists discover ancient monotreme

These Stone Age humans were more gatherer than hunter

Enormous ancient sea reptile identified from amateur fossil find.

Isotopic evidence reveals surprising dietary practices of pre-agricultural human groups in Morocco

Just Like Homo sapiens, Neanderthals Organized Their Living Space in Structured Way

The three-dimensionally articulated oral apparatus of a Devonian heterostracan sheds light on feeding in Palaeozoic jawless fishes

Ancient Marine Tapeworm Found Encased in 99-Million-Year-Old Amber

Recent research indicates that while elevated growth rates were ancestral to Dinosauria and likely played a significant role in dinosaurs’ ascent within Mesozoic ecosystems, it did not distinguish them from their contemporaries.

T. rex not as smart as previously claimed, scientists find

New study explores the preservation of 12,000 year-old brains

A new giant podocnemidid turtle, among the largest freshwater turtles ever found, from the Late Pleistocene Rio Madeira Formation in the Brazilian Amazon…

Chakisaurus - newly described ornithopod dinosaur

New species of vampire squid found fossilized "with prey in its arms"

Paleontologists discover a 240-million-year-old fossil in full

These 3,000-Year-Old Treasures Were Forged From Meteoritic Iron

A new estimate considerably reduces the weight of the fossil whale Perucetus colossus, leaving the modern blue whale as the heaviest animal ever known.

Detection of intact polyene pigments in Miocene gastropod shells [12-million-year-old snail shells]

Palaeontologists have identified a new genus and species of dwarf lambeosaurine hadrosaurid in Morocco, dating to the Late Cretaceous epoch.

Fossil forgery: 280-million-year-old reptile is just black paint on rock

The fossils of two new species of ctenacanth sharks have been identified in Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky.

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