Eleven years of blogging about Spring, Java Persistence, SQL, and Transactions

SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics

Are You Qualified to Use Null in SQL?

A Simple Spaced Repetition Algo (In Ugly SQL)

Tired of airport security queues? SQL inject yourself into the cockpit, claim researchers

Mastering Null Semantics: Translating SQL Expressions to OpenSearch DSL

Sqlc: Compile SQL to type-safe code

PyTrilogy adds typing and a semantic layer to SQL

Reclaiming SQL’s Declarative Power

How to optimize SQL queries

Mastering SQL for Data Science: Top SQL Interview Questions by Experience Level

I'm writing so much boilerplate code for my SQL and endpoints and I feel like I don't need to. Is there a better way?

Show HN: Node.js ORM to query SQL database through an array-like API

A Critique of Modern SQL And A Proposal Towards A Simple and Expressive Query Language

Show HN: Using SQL's Turing completeness to build Tetris

SQL Parameters Within An SQL String

Completed Basic SQL Tutorial - Now Moving to Advanced Topics! 🚀

How We Doubled the Performance of Our App When Using GUID/UUID Primary Keys in SQL

Different ways of working with SQL Databases in Go

Prem-SQL-1B First 1B SLM Rivals 4o, Outperforms Qwen-7B on BirdBench Private Set

I just released nansql - A Go library for managing SQL Server connections and transactions with sqlx

GoLang functions app and azure SQL database connection using managed identify.

A GitHub collection of study materials, contains SQL and Databases & Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Cross-instance SQL-server data synchronization

Pipe Syntax in SQL

Bypassing airport security via SQL injection

SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL

Search for OpenJDK mailing lists with SQL

User-defined Order in SQL (2018)

SQL ♥ WebAssembly

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