
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Introducing Oblivious HTTP support in Swift

Swift Homomorphic Encryption

Swift Static Linux SDK

New GitHub Organization for the Swift Project

10 years on, what would you change about Swift?

Get Started with Embedded Swift on ARM and RISC-V Microcontrollers

Writing Gnome Apps with Swift

Byte-Sized Swift: Building Tiny Games for the Playdate

Introducing the Benchmark Package: Complementing Unit Tests with Performance Checks

Iterate over Parameter Packs in Swift 6.0

Swift 5.10 Released

Our journey with Swift thus far - some notes and reflections

Embedded Swift on the Raspberry Pi Pico

On-device ML research with MLX and Swift

Low-level operations for volatile memory accesses

On-Crash Backtraces in Swift

Swift.org new homepage

Embedded Swift

Mixing Swift and C++

Why is Swift so slow (timeout) in compiling this code? (2022)

Foundation Package Preview Now Available

Swift 5.8 released

Introducing Swift Certificates and Swift ASN.1

VSCode Swift v1.0.0

Swift.org - The Future of Foundation

Swift Project in 2023

Compiling Swift Generics

Compiling Swift generics, Part I

Swift 5.7 Released

The Val Object Model: Template for a possible future Swift object model

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