
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

An Ode to Logging

You're allowed to be evil in performance code

Sync all your audio transcript to Notion automatically + AI annotations & summaries from Notion AI. Written in Rust, OSS, Local-first

How Postgres Is Misused and Abused in the Wild

Reduct: Transcript-Based Video Editing

Jeffrey Snover and the Making of PowerShell

Audapolis: Edit audio files by transcript, not waveform

Covid Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci's Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways

Coding Machines

Building Cross-Platform Offline-First Apps with Bluetooth Low Energy

Chisel and C++, together at last

[AskJS] Does the youtube transcript API only work for Python, or can it be used with JavaScript as well?

Code, Kickflips and Crunch Time

Transcript of a strange call

Extending Rust's Effect System

Beautiful Code - Greg Wilson's Vision for Software Design

The Lighthill Debate on AI from 1973: An Introduction and Transcript

Show HN: I create a free website for download YouTube transcript, subtitle

One way forward: finding a path to what comes after Unix

From 486 to Vue.js: Evan You's Full-Time Gamble on Open Source

Platform Takes The Pain - The Inside Story of Spotify's Engineering Growth

Designing Raspberry Pi 5

Does any early interships ever ask for proof you have taken DSA or for a transcript in general for the purpose of looking at specific coursework?

Transcript of taped conversations among German nuclear physicists (1945)

Turing Award winner Leslie Lamport wants you to think outside the box of code (interview transcript)

A Dark Room: From Code Hobo to Indie Game Developer

Show HN: High school transcript generator for homeschoolers

Quitting (And Then Rejoining) Stack Overflow

Twitter Spy Tools - Capture large volumes of audio and transcript data

Twitter Spy Tools - Capture large volumes of audio and transcript data

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