
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Roc Lang – Elm but for everywhere [video]

Elm vs. JavaScript: A Quick Comparison

Choosing Between Elm and JavaScript

Elm Camp 2024

Comparing Compiler Errors in Go, Rust, Scala, Java, Kotlin, Python, Typescript, and Elm

A kids traffic mat in Elm

Can you guys share your experience of using Elm in the front end

Understanding UI Components in Elm

Visual parsing debugger for PDF in Elm

Axum + Elm fullstack example

Learning Elm by porting a medium-sized web frontend from React (2019)

A tale of failing to design rule boundaries - Data-last functions

What advantages have WebAssembly over the 'traditional' front-end (in React, Vue, Elm, Svelte,...)?

Moving front end from Elm to Leptos?

Show HN: Dots and Boxes in Elm

Gren – an Elm fork

Why I'm Leaving Elm (2020)

Iced: A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm

Why I Use Elm in 2023

Vanilla-FP: A no-framework framework for component-based purely-functional UIs

Elm/compiler: Matching on negative literals results in a parser error

Steam, But Self-Hosted — Made With Elm & Rust

Why and how we retired Elm

Implementing multi-file analysis for linters

PureScript Survey 2023

iOS, Android and Web applications that share a single Rust core

Whatever happened to Elm, anyway?

Haskell for Elm developers: giving names to stuff (Part 1 - Functors)

Why You Don't Trust Your Linter

Ask HN: What Happened to Elm?

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