The language of languages (BNF, EBNF, ABNF and more)

What every computer science major should know (2012)

Pattern-matching regular expressions in Scheme using derivatives

Meta-meta-programming: Generating C++ templates with Racket S-expressions

12 resolutions for programmers

Advanced programming languages

The missing method: Deleting from Okasaki's red-black trees

A regular expression matcher in Scheme using derivatives

Implement a programming language in 7 lines

How to Get Tenure

Counting hash collisions with the birthday paradox

Low-level web programming in Racket and a wiki in 500 lines

Parsing BibTeX in Racket and generating S-Expressions, JSON, XML and BibTeX

The CRAPL: An academic-strength open source license

What every computer science major should

Continuation-passing style in JavaScript

Implement a programming language from scratch

PAANDA: The Professional Academic Alternative to Non-Disclosure Agreements

Translating Mathematics into Code: Examples in Java, Python, Haskell and Racket

Electric meat (2012)

Equational derivations of the Y combinator and Church encodings in Python

Advanced programming languages (2009)

QuickCheck by example: Number theory and Okasaki's red-black trees

Reading for graduate students

Sculpting text with regex, grep, sed and awk