
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The CRAPL: An academic-strength open source license

Hello, Perceptron (2023)

Continuations by Example

Hello, Perceptron: An introduction to artificial neural networks

26 programming languages in 25 days, Part 2: Reflections on language design

26 Programming Languages in 25 Days

Translating math into code with examples in Java, Racket, Haskell, Python (2011)

Advanced Programming Languages

Coroutines, exceptions, time-traveling search, generators and threads: Continuations by example

Compiling Scheme to C with flat closure conversion

Why guaranteed file compression is impossible (2009)

Abstracting Abstract Machines (2010)

Continuations by example: Exceptions, time-traveling search, threads, and more

Advanced Programming Languages

HOWTO: Get tenure (2015)

What every computer science major should know (2011)

You don't understand exceptions, but you should

Translating math into code with examples in Java, Racket, Haskell, Python (2011)

C++ template programming: Embedding the lambda-calculus to show Turing-completeness

Parsing with Derivatives: A Functional Pearl (2011)

Hunting down my son's killer

Continuation Passing Style in JS

Writing an interpreter, CESK-style

Shell scripts to improve your writing

Books and papers every graduate student must read

Low-level web programming in Racket + a wiki in 500 lines

Pattern-matching regular expressions in Scheme using derivatives

Understand and implement laziness with examples in Scala, JavaScript, Swift and Racket

7 lines of code, 3 minutes: Implement a programming language

Advanced programming languages

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