chatgpt-shell goes multi-model

Futures and Multiple Values in Parallel Lisp (1991) [pdf]

Building a Sync Engine in Clojure [video]

Owl Lisp – A functional Scheme for world domination

Show HN: Indentation-based syntax for Clojure

Clojure from a Schemer's Perspective (2021)

The State of Racket

Bthreads: A Simple and Easy Paradigm for Clojure

Clojure in live sports television (Clojure Conj 2024)

Clojure Don'ts: Concat

GNU Artanis 1.0.0 Released

Refurb weekend: the Symbolics MacIvory Lisp machine I have hated

Hofstadter on Lisp (1983)

Lisp Query Notation (LQN)

First Report on the Pre-Scheme Restoration

Happy Halloween

Gamedev in Lisp. Part 2: Dungeons and Interfaces

The Multics Maclisp Compiler: The Basic Hackery – A Tutorial (1977)

Common Lisp implementation of the Forth 2012 Standard

AP5 - Declarative Programming Library For Common Lisp (1995)

A Lisp compiler to ARM written in Lisp

A Multi-Language-Oriented Macro System by Michael Ballantyne at the (fourteenth RacketCon) is now available

Mutation Testing Better Than Coverage

Sorted Collections in Rebellion

Good first issues & contributing to Racket

A Lisp compiler to RISC-V written in Lisp

The Tragedy of the Common Lisp: Why Large Languages Explode (2015)

Keynote presentation by Hal Abelson and Gerald Sussman at the fourteenth RacketCon

Why does Lisp use cons cells? (1998)

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