
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Docker-OSX image used for security research hit by Apple DMCA takedown

Docker-OSX image removed after Apple reports copyright infringement

Must know key bindings for developers on Mac OSX

Solitaire game - Made with curses (OSX and Linux)

Docker-OSX ยท Follow @sickcodes on Twitter

My first steps with Nix on Mac OSX as Homebrew replacement

Custom Programmer dvorak keyboard layout with qwerty number order for OSX

OSX.EvilQuest Uncovered

New sysinfo release (OSX performance improvements)

Repeat 5.4 - Full-fledged macro and automation hotkeys creation using modern programming languages, working across three major OSes: Windows, OSX, and Linux.

OSX/Shlayer new Shurprise.. unveiling OSX/Tarmac

After making memes about IntelliJ being slow, here are four performance improvements for the osx developers out there.

From OSX to Linux

How I setup TDD for Go programming on OSX

Automatic keyboard/input source switching for OSX

Analyzing a New macOS DNS Hijacker: OSX/MaMi

Stealthy OSX/MaMi malware discovered targeting Macs

OSX.Pirrit Mac Adware Part III: The DaVinci Code

Show HN: cmus-osx โ€“ Tightly integrates cmus command line music player into macOS

Apple root exploit, no password needed. Mac OSX 10.13.1

Show HN: OSX-ISO โ€“ Create a bootable ISO of macOS from the installation app file

Building an Apple OSX Kernel Module With CMake โ€“ C/C++

Setup EFI Development environment on Mac OSX Sierra (10.12.X)

Ceruleum - I made an OSX app to track the changes to your code going towards your next commit.

Implementing ptsname_r on OSX with Rust

How to build and publish self contained .NET Core binaries for Windows, Linux and OSX

dosxvpn - One click personal VPN server on DigitalOcean with automated OSX setup

Cross-platform FUSE library for Go - Works on OSX, Linux, Windows

Create A Simple OSX Tray Colour Picker/Converter App With JavaScript Framework Electron

After two years of development, just announced tomviz 1.0 for 3D Visualization and 3D Python Data Processing - with NumPy, SciPy, and sample datasets [open-source, open-science, OSX, Windows, Linux]

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