Cops lure pedophiles with AI pics of teen girl. Ethical triumph or new disaster?

The JavaScript FFI feature in GHC Wasm backend - Cheng Shao

Death Rates by Vehicle Model

Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer's suicide

The "email is authentication" pattern

In Theory: Self-Correcting Software - Part 2

NASA's Infrared Survey Telescope Ready to Retire

Paddle closed accounts with 1 week notice, leaving many founders in shock

OK City Apple Retail Workers Become 2nd US Store to Secure Tentative Agreement

FTC Urged To Stop Tech Makers Downgrading Devices After You've Bought Them

Transparent mice made with light-absorbing dye reveal organs at work

Heavy metals like cadmium, lead, mercury, and the metalloid arsenic, which can delay brain development in babies and young children, have been found in flooded rice and spinach

Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy

Chinese Scientists Say They’ve Found the Secret to Building the World’s Fastest Submarines The process uses lasers as a form of underwater propulsion to achieve not only stealth, but super-high underwater speeds that would rival jet aircraft.

Ask HN: I miss the internet of the 90s/00s. What should I do?

Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment

Metal Benchmarks

Women tend to give more money to attractive men, study finds

First water car is already a reality: 1000km of autonomy and the end of gasoline

A new investigation of a single galaxy roughly 270 million light years away has revealed interactions between the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and the galaxy's radiant disc that help define a boundary, one that suggests our own galaxy could stretch farther than we imagined.

College Grades Have Become a Charade. It's Time to Abolish Them.

Adding Python to Docker in 2 seconds using uv's Python command

Frontend Development with Go Templates

CSAM content on Bluesky has risen ten times in just a week

The PERQ Computer

Sixteen US rural electric co-ops to get USD 7.3bn for clean energy

Things to know about the Great Wave

Conservative GC can be faster than precise GC

The First Idiot Principle

Nvidia’s AI chips are cheaper to rent in China than US

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