Awk Technical Notes

Fascination of Awk

Miller: Like Awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of AWK

The State of the Awk (2020)

A first person shooter in 571 lines of GNU Awk (2017)

Awk: Power and Promise of a 40 yr old language (2021)

Awk equivalents to SQL query data manipulation

Learn to Process Text in Linux Using Grep, Sed, and Awk

Code coverage for your AWK programs

Haskell, Ada, C++, Awk: An Experiment in Prototyping Productivity (1994)

sreutils: structural regex powered grep(, sed and awk)

What does $0=$2 in awk do?

Brian Kernighan adds Unicode support to Awk

Brian Kernighan: UNIX, C, AWK, AMPL, and Go Programming | Lex Fridman Podcast #109

Performance comparison: counting words in Python, C/C++, Awk, Rust, and more

8 Levels of Using awk in Linux

Modernizing AWK, a 45-year old language, by adding CSV support

Adding CSV support to (Go)AWK

Parsing and Validating Dates in Awk

Old Skool demo in awk

Small statistics page showcase done via sh, Awk, log parsing and cron

Simple, small, awk analytics HTTP log parsers

Show HN: Prig – like AWK, but uses Go for “scripting”

AWK in Java with JBang!

Learn Awk with Emacs (2020)

Prig: like AWK, but uses Go for "scripting"

Frawk: A fast, JITted, statically-typed AWK written in Rust

The Awk State Machine Parser Pattern (2018)

Passing runtime data to AWK

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